
The one about Less Is More

The one about Less Is More

I’ve been thinking about this blog for a while now.  Actually, it’s been years, and I still have further research to do.  The problem is, to research it properly, I’d have to shell out lots of money to music industry rip off merchants, and unless I win the lottery, it...

The one about getting national airplay – and how hard it is!

The one about getting national airplay – and how hard it is!

Let’s talk about getting played on national radio, shall we? It’s something I hear a lot from the musicians and bands that approach me about plugging their music to radio.  And in their minds, it’s how they measure the success of a radio plugging campaign. And I get...

The one about common cock ups with radio submissions!

The one about common cock ups with radio submissions!

I’ve just spent the last few hours going through submissions for my Pluggin Baby Radio Show and there have been the usual mistakes made – which means no airplay for the artists in question – so I thought it was worth a quick post to cover the most common mistakes when...

The one about PRS royalties!

The one about PRS royalties!

I thought it would be handy to share what I learned from the interview I did with Andy from the Outreach team at PRS for Music last year for my master’s degree about PRS royalties and how they pay musicians. So let's go! It costs £100 to join PRS, but once you’re a...

The one about radio airplay envy

The one about radio airplay envy

"How come they're are getting more airplay than us”? If I made a pound every time I was asked this, I’d have retired by now! Airplay envy. I think it’s a thing;-) So, why is that musician/band getting more airplay than you? It could be any number of reasons, so I’ll...

The one about choosing a PR or plugging company

The one about choosing a PR or plugging company

I've been wracking my brains this week about what to write about and an email from another PR company just dropped into my inbox and it shocked me so much, it spurred me to log on to my website and create this blog. As well as being a radio plugger and PR agent...

The one about what radio plugging is

The one about what radio plugging is

A radio plugger - also known as radio PR or music publicist, is the middle-person between an artist or record label/manager and a radio station or presenter, with the aim of acquiring radio airplay for the artist's music release. This airplay helps the artist (the...

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